Saturday 18 March 2017

Happy birthday sayang

A Love Letter From Your Mummy

Today, you turn three. You, my precious boy who squeals when the tickle monster appears, which looks astoundingly similar to my right hand.

Ever since the day you were born I haven’t been able to stop smiling when your eyes catch mine. You are so loved. I will never stop hugging and kissing you, even when you tower above me and your cheeks are stubbly and rough. I will never stop loving you even if you break my heart or disappoint me. I am always for you, even if we disagree.

I prayed for you when you were budding inside me. When your parts and my parts intermingled in my swollen belly. You are my miracle. The one God knew we needed to complete life. Even when you learned to take off your diaper at nap time and invariably went on the carpet.

Not because I am not proud to watch you grow and reach each milestone but because with each year you are growing away from me. You will someday leave and have a family of your own and each candle on your cake reminds me that it goes by so fast. That I won’t always be your biggest love. That your tiny fingers will grow and someday reach for someone else. And I will rejoice for you, but I will also grieve as you move into a life where I am not constantly present.

You won’t understand any of this now, but someday, you will read this and know my heart. I pray that by that point, you will  have felt my love, and this will only confirm what you already know.

Because even though you’re three now, in my heart you will always be my baby.

Happy Birthday, Haeeqal. Mummy loves you.

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